Distillerie Capitoline

The Capitoline Distillery project was born in Rome, from the passion of four friends, with the desire to offer artisanal products made in small batches, exploiting the local resources as much as possible and linked to the idea of strongly maintaining the link with the Eternal City. The company began its activity only in 2018, but with at least two years of tests behind it to refine the recipes and processing to get to the final product. Buy online


Vermouth from biodynamic wines, always with a view to an artisanal production based on the use of natural products. Several lines are created, reproduced seasonally, starting from the collaboration with some of the producers of natural or biodynamic wines, trying to find the right balance for each wine.


Made from natural wine, fortified with alcool, cherries and sugar. A fundamental step is the aging in cask, where the Vermouth was previously, which gives the product bitter notes and hints of spices. The careful choice of the wine to fortify is fundamental for the final result.


 A Compound Gin obtained from the maceration of 11 botanicals in alcool of cereal origin, among which the Tuscan Juniper, the Sorrento lemon peels and the Lazio carob, which gives it its typical amber color, stand out. Produced with artisanal method in small batches to ensure the high quality of every single bottle.


The classic ErGin, a macerate of 11 botanicals in alcool of cereal origin, among which the Tuscan Juniper, the Sorrento lemon peels and the Lazio Carrube stand out. Produced artisanally in small batches to ensure the high quality of each bottle. Aged for a few months in a small Juniper barrel.


A modern bitter, the right balance between balsamic and bitter. Among the botanicals, Myrtle and Bergamot stand out, accompanied by an elderflower and lemon syrup made by us. Produced with the classic method through the cold infusion of various botanicals. Amabile served cold after meals or coffee.